
Sculptra is an injectable liquid made of Poly-L-Lactic Acid. The material has been commonly used in dissolvable stitches and soft tissue implants. A natural form of Poly-L-lactic acid is produced in our muscles during exercise. It acts as a bio-activator and extremely powerful collagen stimulator. It is perfectly safe, FDA-approved, and contains absolutely no animal by-products or human  DNA.

If you’re concerned with hollowness and/or loss of volume in your cheeks or temples due to aging, weight loss, or you’re looking to get rid of the folds and wrinkles in your chest, Sculptra just might be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Over time, the Poly-L-Lactic Acid dissipates as your own tissue takes its place. Since the product triggers your body to build its own collagen, results are not immediate and can take anywhere from 4-6 months.  After three-to-five treatments, on a four-to-six week treatment frequency, Sculptra should last up to 2 years.

There is no special preparation required for Sculptra. To prevent bruising, we recommend that you stop using all blood-thinning medication such as Aspirin  or Ibuprofen a few days before treatment.

Before a Sculptra treatment, you will need to fill out a health form. Then we will take some photographs for your medical file. Dr. Habib will mark the area to be treated, and then administer some small pricks. The entire treatment takes between 20 to 30 minutes.

Most people can return to their normal activities immediately after Sculptra injections.